Palmer Continuum of Care
Palmer Continuum of Care, Inc. is dedicated to helping adolescents and women with their children, who struggle with substance abuse and chemical dependency. Palmer offers a range of treatment services specifically designed to address each person's individual needs and help them step back on a path to achieving their potential as healthy individuals without the use of alcohol and other drugs. Palmer's comprehensive approach to substance abuse and addiction addresses the full range of individual client, family and continuing care.
Substance abuse involves not only the individual struggling with drug use but family members and significant others nearest to the client. Palmer works with the entire family whose lives have been turned upside down by substance abuse. Palmer's treatment programs are designed to help stop the cycle of substance abuse so often seen in families today.
Palmer services are offered without regard to race, creed, sexual orientation, disability or ability to pay.
Palmer Continuum of Care
3015 E Skelly Dr #270
Tulsa OK 74105
Tel: 918 832-7763 (Adolescent Treatment Programs)
918 430-0975 (Women & Children Treatment Programs)
